Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hedge Funds Misrepresent Facts? Of course they do…

Recent work has shown that 1 in 5 hedge fund managers misrepresent facts during due diligence meetings (Brown, Goetzmann, Liang and Schwarz, 2009). This study takes a closer look at examples of misrepresentations and omissions, and explains the steps to take to uncover the truth about managers, their funds and their history.

Read the full study here.

Hedge Fund Due Diligence Reports

BarclayHedge and SwissAnalytics have teamed up to offer hedge fund and CTA due diligence. As a BarclayHedge member receive an exclusive 10% discount on your first Hedge Fund Due Diligence Report from SwissAnalytics.

SwissAnalytics offers a comprehensive approach to systematically score each fund on more than 140 qualitative risk factors. SwissAnalytics researchers conduct full-service due diligence on the entire range of hedge fund and CTA strategies and managers located anywhere in the world in a timely and cost-effective manner.

To download a sample Due Diligence Report, simply fill out this short request form.

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